corruption, corruption offences, public service, public servant, the economic factor of corruption.Abstract
This study is devoted to finding out the specifics of the economy's influence on the level of corruption in the country and in the field of public service functioning. The work characterizes the international approach to the accentuation of the economy as one of the decisive factors influencing the level of corruption and provides confirmation of the recognition of a similar position by national legislation. The author provided relevant information on the index of perception of corruption in Ukraine and the level of development of our state's economy (based on one of the indicators) and concluded that they are directly proportional. The economic factor in the dimension of corruption is proposed to be considered also as a public official's personal interest in obtaining an illegal benefit, since the insufficient level of financial support of these persons is the main reason for manifestations of corruption in the public sector. Special attention is paid to scientific economic approaches to understanding the essence of corruption and it is found that corruption can be considered as a manifestation of economic behavior under the conditions of excessive state intervention in the functioning of the market and imperfect and ineffective state management. Thus, an intermediate conclusion was made about the close connection between the economic factor of corruption (as a consequence) and the public service functioning system (as a cause). Particular attention is paid to the market-centric approach to understanding corruption. A conclusion was made about the direct and stable connection between the economic potential of the country and corruption, as well as about the relationship between the level of satisfaction with life of the population, the transparency of the functioning of the public service, the effectiveness and efficiency of management decisions and guarantees of control over their implementation, and the expected level of corruption. Positive trends in the field of domestic regulatory and legal regulation of the corruption component and the effectiveness of current law enforcement were noted.
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