probation service, social maladaptation, social adaptation, rresocialization, probation programs, supervised probation, criminal liability, criminal offence, crime prevention, curator of probation, minors.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problems of implementation of probation programs. The concepts, basic principles, main areas of implementation the probation programs in Ukraine are studied in the article. The author of the article analyses the functions of probation programs for juvenile delinquents. The purpose of this study is to analyze the peculiarities and the mechanisms for implementation measures, which are provided by the probation programs. To achieve goals, highlighted in this work, the following tasks were solved: procedure of application of probation programs for juvenile offenders, relevant proposals and recommendations regarding the use of probation programs. The theoretical basis for this study is the researches of Ukrainian scientists who work at various aspects of supervised probation. Introduction of a new mechanism for implementation of preventive measures (educational methods, means of influence, programs, socially legal, psychological and educational measures), provided by the institution of probation, gave the opportunity to influence and control the behavior of individuals inclined to commit crimes. Implementation of probation programs, aimed at correcting social behavior and the formation of socially useful personality, gave the opportunity to the object of probation to get on the road of correction and prevention of re-commitment of crimes within the limits of supervised probation. The novelty of this publication is in in-depth analysis of all the aspects of the probation programs within the implementation of supervised probation in accordance with the current national legislation in the field of combating criminal offenses; providing recommendations on the changes to individual programs of supervised probation. One of the decisive factors for achieving the effect of correction is the study of the personality of the criminal. Peculiarities of training employees for work in the bodies of the juvenile probation system consist of specific requirements for candidates for these positions. Such basic requirements include: special education in the field of social work, psychology, pedagogy, jurisprudence, the presence of life and practical experience in educational work, attending advanced training courses, strict competitive selection. On the basis of obtained results it was demonstrated that the existing programs need improvement especially in terms of developing methods of their implementation.
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