digital transformation, public administration, principles, Ukraine, Germany.Abstract
The article is devoted to defining the system of public administration standards in the field of digital transformation in Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany. The study is based on the analysis of the legislation of both countries, as well as domestic and foreign special literature dedicated to the function of public administration in relation to the digital transformation of society. The methodological basis of the study was comparative legal and systematic research methods. Their application made it possible to clarify the system of public administration standards in the field of digital transformation in Ukraine and Germany. A comparative legal analysis of the experience of legal regulation of digital transformation in Ukraine and Germany shows that it is at a qualitatively higher level of development in Germany. Such experience can become a guide and standard for the further development of digitization in Ukraine. First of all, the basic principles of digitization should be taken into account, such as: respect for dignity and human rights, informational self-determination, single use, promotion of new digital technologies, digital sustainability, uniform security standards. The experience of Germany shows that the state and society in the form of individual institutions of civil society, companies and private individuals should become partners in the digitalization process. It is appropriate to borrow the practice of cooperation of the latter within the framework of separate platforms for cooperation, and in particular in the areas of: data protection and guaranteeing data sovereignty; digital economy, promotion of contacts in the field of digitalization, assistance to companies in the transition to the digital economy; education and science systems; digital working world; digital administration and public IT, as well as the formation and implementation of consumer policy. Ukraine should become part of Digital Europe. This task can be realized only if our state aligns the state policy in the field of digitization with the goals and objectives that exist at the level of the European Union. In addition, the level of data protection of private individuals in Ukraine must be brought into line with those standards that exist at the EU level.
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