higher education, institutions of higher education, innovative activity, digitization of education, martial law, distance education, right to education.Abstract
The article examines the peculiarities of the functioning of higher education institutions during the period of the legal regime of martial law and identifies the main reasons for transformational changes in the organization of the educational process. It has been confirmed that the right to education is a human right guaranteed by international and national legislation and an element of its legal status in the modern world. It was found that the educational sphere suffered devastating consequences as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, which consisted of colossal damages of a material and non-material nature: a large number of higher education institutions were destroyed and damaged, which directly negatively affects the future professional and scientific potential of the country and progressive youth development. The institutional and regulatory support of the educational process in the conditions of war is considered. Particular attention is devoted to the study of international support for educational projects that continue their work in Ukraine. It was determined that international cooperation in the field of higher education with the involvement of international organizations and projects allows to maintain the educational level of applicants and provides wider opportunities for their involvement in the European labor market on equal conditions. Attention is devoted to the study of intrasystemic transforming processes in the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher education. Thus, it was determined that distance learning has taken a key place, which has both positive and negative consequences. The role on the influence of digitalization of education, which should become one of the promising directions of the development of the researched area, was separately noted. The negative impact of the decrease in financing of the educational sphere in connection with the war and the need for budgetary redistribution of funds was also noted. Reasoned conclusions have been made about the main transformational changes in the activities of higher education institutions, key problems and critical areas of the educational sphere have been identified. It was concluded that innovative approaches and the introduction of innovative tools in higher education should become a permanent and integral element of educational activity to stabilize the possibility of combining competitive demand and innovative scientific supply in the conditions of adaptation of the participants of the educational process to new conditions.
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