European integration processes, innovative model, information system, concept, modernization of public services, strategy of development, human resources management.Abstract
The article reveals the essence and content of the modernization of the public service through the prism of the introduction of an innovative model of human resources management. Modernization is the engine of positive changes, the process of updating and improving the anciency of the industry. In the context of globalization evolution, the processes of European integration are the main mechanism of strategic development of our country, and therefore, managerial-organizational innovations must be consistent with the tendencies of European countries, which is explicitly foreseen not only by national but also by pan-European documents and rules. On the basis of research of the regulatory framework, scientific developments of domestic scientists and official reporting of authorized bodies of administrative structures. Presently, issues of modernization and reformation of public service, introduction, development and improvement of an innovative model of human resources management in the public sphere were undertaken by K.O. Vaschenko, N.T. Goncharuk, L.V. Prudius, D.G. Katz, O.A. Gavrish, A.O. Lindyuk, N.R. Nyzhnik, M.V. Kuznetsova, H.V. Khachaturian etc. The directions of development of an innovative model of human resources management are revealed, the main problems of the theory and practice of introduction of modernization processes in the field of public service are determined. The author carried out a comparative analysis of normative arrays, defined the common directions of modernization activities in the field of human resources management. The interrelation of national and European theoretical and innovative developments concerning human resources management is explored. The author comes to the conclusion that the introduction of an innovative model of human resources management as a basis for the modernization of public service is a reasonable and objectively necessary measure. However, it is time to move from the theoretical elaboration of this direction of modernization of public service to active practical actions. The implementation of the modernization reform of the public service leaves much to be desired. The author of the article hopes that, while adhering to the requirements of national and international programs of improvement, Ukraine will eventually cease to be an outsider in the public sphere.After all, an increase in the level of human resources management is a key aspect of not only the effectiveness of public service reform, but also the positive development of the economic and social spheres.
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