


individual prevention, corruption, methods, crime prevention, legal consciousness, impact.


The article is devoted to consideration the methods of individual prevention of corruption crimes. Different scientific approaches to the definition of “individual prevention” are established in the article, and it is also noted that well-constructed prevention contributes to the increase of legal awareness of the population and proper legal education of young people, who from an early age understand that it is unacceptable to allow criminal actions. The author explains the essence of the concept of “individual prevention” and notes all the main aspects related to it. It is noted that individual prevention of corruption crime is carried out in specific conditions of corruption environment. In the article the attention is drawn to the fact that in the context of individual prevention of crime, including corruption, the question concerning the methods of individual preventive actions is very actual. At the present stage of criminological science development it is accepted to allocate such methods of individual-preventive actions, as a method of persuasion, a method of the help and a method of enforcement. In the article it is marked how much in specific conditions the listed methods are capable of struggle against corruption criminality. As a result, it has been determined that individual crime prevention, including corruption prevention, is a complex type of activity, as this activity is always related to a specific person and characteristics of such a person. On this basis, it is possible to achieve real results from individual and preventive actions if all possible means and methods of preventive activity are used systematically.


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