energy security, energy sector, public management of the oil and gas sector, minimum reserves of oil and oil products, European integrationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the legal and theoretical foundations of the formation of minimum reserves of oil and oil products in the energy system of Ukraine. An analysis of the regulatory prerequisites for the creation of minimum reserves of oil and oil products in the context of Ukraine's fulfillment of international and European obligations has been carried out. It was found out separately that the need to create minimum reserves of oil and oil products is part of the energy security system, the definition of which is interpreted differently by domestic scientists. It has been established that energy security is a part of national security, therefore the need for backup conservation of energy resources at the current stage of Ukraine's development is critically necessary. It has been found that an effective mechanism for creating minimum reserves of oil and oil products is an element of the energy security system in view of the fact that: it affects the level of protection of the state's energy interests; is an element of the support system of vital resources in the country; is a component of the system of consumer access to natural resources and their processing products; directly affects economic, social, and therefore national security. The positive aspects of the new Law of Ukraine "On minimum reserves of oil and oil products" were separately noted. It was concluded that the creation of minimum reserves of oil and oil products is an important and necessary step on the way to ensuring energy stability and energy security, since the consequences of enemy attacks on the territory of Ukraine caused the need to search for new tools for solving problematic spheres of public life, one of which is energy. The concept of minimum reserves of oil and oil products also complies with the provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and contributes to the faster convergence of Ukrainian legislation with the legislation of the European Union, which in turn accelerates the integration process.
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