water, water use, criminal offense, prevention, criminological securityAbstract
The article emphasizes that the minimization of the prevention of criminal offenses in the field of providing services to the population is unfortunately due to the lack of regulatory and legal support both for the activity of preventing criminal offenses and for the subjects of their formation and implementation. It has been established that general social prevention of criminal offenses in the field of water supply and sewage management should be aimed at the formation of regulatory and legal support for such activities and its complex legal implementation at the national and departmental levels with the aim of systematic criminological analysis of water supply and sewage management, establishment and elimination of causes and conditions criminal offenses in this field, as well as persons (organized groups and criminal organizations), termination of their activities before the direct commission of an illegal act, averting or minimizing the consequences (thefts; accidents; damage to the environment, water supply and sewage enterprises, the population, etc.). Conservation of water resources, improvement of their quality is an integral part of the strategy of sustainable water use, which should be aimed at preventing violations of the natural balance of the use of water bodies of Ukraine; emergency situations and their negative impact on public health; ecological disaster; offense/ Today, the legislative support for the functioning of the water supply and sewerage industry is extensive and includes more than fifty normative legal acts. Therefore, the increase in the number of illegal actions at the facilities of water supply and sewage management is caused by the minimization of the protection of such strategic facilities, in particular in the area of crime prevention and the clear distribution of competences among multiple subjects of provision and protection of this sphere. Subjects of crime prevention at water supply and sewerage facilities include bodies of the national level (the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of the Regions of Ukraine – subjects of formation and adoption of strategic decisions) and regional (enterprises of centralized drinking water supply, centralized water drainage, water supply and sewerage enterprises networks, enterprises of drinking water supply and centralized water drainage – implementation entities), law enforcement agencies and the public (National Police, National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, Bureau of Economic Security, public organizations – protection entities). The author proposed a Plan of measures for the prevention of criminal offenses at water and sewage facilities for 2025–2030 in the areas of informational, analytical, control and audit support, which include the most important: monitoring, analysis of changes in the nature of illegal actions and their causes at water supply and sewage facilities; selection of effective tactical measures to influence illegal acts, taking into account military, economic, social conditions, the state of the water supply and sewage system, and law enforcement capabilities; taking measures to minimize embezzlement, abuse, careless actions, etc.; ways of involving the population, public organizations and movements; critical assessment of work results and adjustment of prevention measures; monitoring the transparency of management decisions made, as well as income and expenses of managers and responsible officials.
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