


education, Higher Education, public policy, educational policy, public policy in the field of higher education.


The article analyzes the normative-legal analysis of public policy in the field of higher education. It is justified that higher education is an integral part of the entire education system in Ukraine. It is stated that the existence, effective functioning and gradual development of the higher education system is directly dependent on the state policy in the field of higher education, in connection with which its research is updated. It is proved that the general principles of the formation and implementation of public policy in the field of higher education are enshrined in legislation, but the legislation does not contain a definition of the concept of “state policy in the field of higher education”. The content of similar concepts (“state policy in the field of higher education”, “state educational policy”, “national educational policy”, etc.) is analyzed and it is noted that they are synonymous in content, however, it should be used “state policy in the field of higher education” with taking into account the application of such concept in the legislation. An author’s version of the corresponding definition is proposed. The composition of the subjects that ensure the effective implementation of public policy in the field of higher education is analyzed. It is noted that the legislation defines a list of principles, that is, basic fundamental principles, taking into account various aspects of educational policy. In addition, attention was paid to the main directions of the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of higher education, which are stipulated in the legislation. Taking into account the conducted research, it is proposed to distinguish the peculiarities of the state policy in the field of higher education (among which the following is one of the directions of the general policy of the state; principles that are defined in the legislation; it is determined by the legislative power, and is implemented by the executive power, etc.).


Про вищу освіту : Закон України від 01.07.2014 р. № 1556-VII : станом на 12.05.2022 р. URL:

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