public administration, state governance, public governance, public management, public service, public servantsAbstract
The article reveals the current state of public administration in Ukraine, comparing it with the experience of other countries. The concept of public administration was analysed and its characteristic features, which distinguish interrelation with concepts, such as: state governance, public governance. Such characteristic features were: lexical load, subject composition, and powers. This distinction was made on the basis of a number of normative and legal acts, works of scientists in the field of administrative law, that justify and illuminate modern problems of administrative law, international programs in which Ukraine is a member. And therefore, it was ascertained, that public administration includes state governance and public governance, which creates the ambiguity of official translations of international programs in the Ukrainian language, which interpret terms “public administration”, “public governance” as state governance. The difference between the concepts of “public administration” and “public management” was clarified by using terminology from foreign scientists, who reveals “public management” through the prism of activity by public servants. Defined, that at the international level, the category of public servants is more profound, comparing to Ukraine, and there is an acceptable opinion in the foreign information and scientific space that explores these two concepts, that new “management” includes “administration”. It was concluded that the institution of public administration directly depends on the state of public service, public servants and the limits of their activity. As a result, it was noted that the development of public administration, public service and the formation of new, an international understanding of “public management” will improve the activity of the public sector, provision of public services and will create a positive environment for the improvement of those institutions.
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