circular law, circular economy, roadmaps, institutional cooperation, European countries, international organizations, funds, programs, European Union, UkraineAbstract
The paper covers the analysis of the transition to a circular economy of European member states of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, in particular, the institutional and legal principles of the development of a circular economy in the countries of the European geographical area. The author notes that among the sustainable development goals, the achievement of which was identified by the UN in 2015 as priority, the leading place is occupied by “responsible consumption and production”, which is the basis of a circular economy. This goal has become the basis of the policy of European countries, which is separately emphasized in the paper. Thus, the paper analyzes positive examples of institutional interaction at the national and international levels in the field of transition to a circular economy in European countries, models of organizing institutional cooperation within the framework of states regarding the transition to a circular economy, as well as problems that arise along the way. Particular attention is paid to circular economy roadmaps as an important element of economic transformation for European countries. The author also analyzes the legal practice of the European Union (EU) in respect of the transition to a circular economic model of member states, the adopted European Green Deal for the period until 2050, and the EU’s cooperation with international governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of transition to a circular economy. In particular, with the Global Alliance on Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency, the UN Economic Commission for Europe, UNEP, UNDP and others. The article also highlights the work of circular economy funds and programs in European countries and Ukraine. In addition, the paper emphasizes the presence of a circular economy monitoring system developed by the EU, which includes production and consumption, waste management, secondary raw materials, as well as competitiveness and innovation. For the first time in the domestic doctrine, the paper provides a definition of circular law. Thus, circular law is defined as a set of legal norms that determine and regulate social relations in the field of a circular economy. Due attention is paid to the institutional and legal foundations of Ukraine’s transition to a circular economy, in particular, the EU project for Ukraine of 2023: “Circular Economy – Promoting Sustainable Production and Consumption Models in Ukraine” and Ukraine’s ways of implementing it are analyzed.
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