economic activity, business, non-entrepreneurial activity, legal entity, business entities, healthcare, healthcare institution; unfair competition, advertisingAbstract
The article considers some aspects related to the implementation of economic activities in the healthcare sector. The quality and accessibility of medical services are ensured by the following components: human, scientific, organizational, financial, intellectual, information resources, and material and technical support. Health care institutions that carry out economic activities are formed and function as state, municipal, private or based on a mixed form of ownership. The specified entities must use new technologies, create new services, resist competitors, calculate risks, and form a professional team. The main goal of state and municipal health care institutions is the implementation of state policy in the field of health care, primarily the implementation of medical (rehabilitation) services to the population using the tools of state financial guarantees of such services. As a rule, the main goal of private medical and rehabilitation institutions is to make a profit for the owners of such institutions. The services provided and the goods sold in the healthcare sector are special, since it is on their quality that human health and life depend. The implementation of the outlined services, the promotion of goods on the market are closely related to their advertising, which must comply with the general principles of advertising, to which the legislator refers: legality, accuracy, reliability, the use of forms and means that do not harm the consumer of advertising. However, despite the clearly defined requirements for advertising of medicines in the legislation, cases of dishonesty are not uncommon. Unfair advertising deliberately manipulates information about the drug and its properties and encourages people to self-medicate. Business entities engaged in economic activities in the healthcare sector face a number of problems, including personnel, economic, political problems, changing legislation, low solvency of the population, slow investment attraction, competition, etc. Therefore, state policy should be aimed at proper legal regulation of economic activities in the healthcare sector in order to protect the rights of consumers of medical services and create conditions for the stable development of entrepreneurship.
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