


medical law, healthcare, cannabis legalization, martial law regime, narcotic drug circulation, medical preparations, administrative and legal regulation, international standards, licensing, legislation improvement


The article provides a comprehensive theoretical and legal analysis of the regulatory framework governing the use of Cannabis plants under martial law in Ukraine. The provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding State Regulation of Cannabis Plants (Cannabis) Circulation for Use in Educational Purposes, Educational, Scientific and Scientific- Technical Activities, Production of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Medicines to Expand Patient Access to Necessary Treatment” dated December 21, 2023, and its impact on the development of Ukraine’s healthcare system have been analyzed. Based on a systematic analysis of scientific literature, international legal acts, and national legislation, potential risks and prospects for implementing legal regulation of cannabis use for medical purposes have been identified. Special attention is paid to ensuring proper control over medical cannabis circulation under martial law and developing mechanisms to prevent abuse. The organizational and legal mechanisms for controlling the cultivation, production, and distribution of cannabis-based preparations have been studied, and the compliance of national legislation with international standards in this field has been analyzed. The analysis of international experience in legal regulation of medical cannabis use, particularly the practices of European Union countries, has been conducted, and possibilities for its adaptation to Ukrainian realities have been determined. The specifics of the legal regime for licensing activities related to the cultivation and processing of cannabis plants, as well as the peculiarities of state control in this area, have been examined. The article addresses issues of liability for violations of established requirements regarding medical cannabis circulation and analyzes law enforcement practices in this field. Particular attention is paid to the problems of harmonizing national legislation with European Union law and fulfilling Ukraine’s international obligations regarding narcotic drug control.


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