value of law, axiology of law, anthropology of law, public service, state service, principles of public service, public servantAbstract
The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical (normative) analysis of the axiological prerequisites for the formation and axiological manifestations in the system of functioning of the institution of public service. It is found that in the system of functioning of public service, values form the powers and functions of public service subjects and cease to be declarative abstract concepts but acquire a new law-making content. It is established that one of the features of legal axiology is the complexity of its forecasting, which is explained by its close connection with the actual state of development of social relations. The axiology of public service is considered in the context of its normative certainty. It is found that the axiology of public service determines its effectiveness and efficiency, reflects the main mission of public service – serving the interests of people and society. The fact of a direct connection between the manifestations of the axiological function of law in the context of the implementation of the tasks of the service and its public nature is proven, which is mediated by the connection with the state and the fact that the state itself forms the public service. At the same time, attention is focused on the objectification of the values of the public service within the framework of the legal norm. It is proposed to consider the axiological determinants of the public service through the prism of the anthropology of law, since it is in the context of the anthropological manifestations of law that it is appropriate to consider the values of the public service, since such an approach makes it possible to balance and reconcile the fact that the values of the public service are formed by the state for its representatives, and anthropocentrism makes it possible to correctly look at the place and role of values in the process of their implementation by the subjects of the public service. It is found that values are a general concept, and principles and norms are subordinate and interdependent. It has been established that the principles of public service can exist at the level of conditions, foundations, and concepts, and can be transformed into a legal norm, as well as that not all principles of the functioning of public service are values, since they can regulate intra-organizational issues of its activities.
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