public service, public servant, legal status of public servants, restrictions on public servants, constituent elements of the legal status of public servantsAbstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of restrictions in the activities of public servants in Ukraine. Theoretical approaches to defining restrictions and clarifying their place in the system of the legal status of public servants are analyzed, considering professional and functional approaches. Special attention is paid to the regulatory provision of restrictions for public servants. It is found that restrictions in the public service system are designed to balance between the implementation of their powers provided for by law and the permissible limit of sanctioned state power, which is delegated to public servants or granted in another way. Restrictions can be implemented and manifest their functional purpose in different ways, in particular: act as an element of the legal status of public servants in a functional sense; act as a deterrent factor in the implementation of the duties of public servants, setting the limits of the implementation of their rights (provided that their double interpretations are not allowed); act as a criterion for the legitimacy of the activities of public servants, that is, those legal grounds, adhering to which it can be argued that a specific public servant performs his powers and exercises his rights in a clearly defined legal (regulatory) field; act as a burden placed on public servants when they perform their powers; be a basis for holding them accountable in case of their violation. Considering the essence of public service and its purpose, restrictions must be normatively defined, which gives them a legal character. The impact of restrictions on the implementation of the legal status of public servants under the special legal regime of martial law is separately analyzed. It is established that restrictions on public servants during the special regime of martial law may also concern, in addition to restrictions related to the performance of their labor function, issues of financial control of activities, termination of civil service, remuneration, promotion within the service career, etc.
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