


human, human rights, digital state, rule of law, principles of law


The article focuses on the role of the rule of law in the digital state. The study is based on the analysis of Ukrainian legislation, as well as domestic and foreign specialised literature on the content and meaning of the rule of law. The methodological basis of the study is the comparative legal, systemic methods and axiological approach to such social and legal values as a person, his or her rights and freedoms in the digital state. Their application made it possible to determine the role of the rule of law in the digital state. The comparative legal method of research made it possible to identify the approaches to understanding the rule of law in Ukraine and European legal scholarship. The research of A. Dicey, who is the father of the rule of law, was of great importance in this regard. His works made it possible to clarify the essence of this principle and its complex nature. With this in mind, the author identifies the components of the rule of law principle which, when combined, make it possible to obtain the effect of its implementation in practice. The author emphasises that the rule of law cannot be implemented outside the rule of law. Thus, there can be no rule of law in a state which refuses to submit itself to the requirement to serve a person, to establish and ensure his or her rights and freedoms. The study makes it possible to state that the digitalisation of the state does not relieve it of its basic constitutional obligation to establish and ensure the rights and freedoms of every person. This is a constant, basic guideline for the Ukrainian state. Building a digital state in Ukraine should be organically combined with the development of a state governed by the rule of law, which deliberately limits itself to legislation in order to serve people, protect their rights and freedoms. We are convinced that the protection of human rights and freedoms in the digital state is possible only if the rule of law becomes an indispensable guideline in the activities of any person authorised to perform state functions. Without this, digitalisation can become a tool of violence against people, a means of interference and restriction of their rights and freedoms.


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