



методика розслідування, кримінальні правопорушення проти довкілля, слідчий огляд, огляд місця події, тактика огляду місця події


The article is devoted to the study of the specifics of conducting an inspection of the scene during the investigation of criminal offenses against the environment and to the study of tactical recommendations for conducting this investigative (search) action. In most cases, the inspection of the scene of the incident is carried out immediately and before the entry of information into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, when the employees of the pre-trial investigation have insignificant data about the committed criminal offense against the environment and the initial investigative situation requires the investigator to take the necessary actions to prepare for the inspection of the scene of the incident and involve necessary specialists in the field of ecology. Traditionally, the inspection of the scene of the incident is divided into three stages (preparatory, working, final), at each of which the investigator performs certain procedural actions in order to conduct the inspection. In the course of preparing for the inspection of the scene of the incident during the investigation of criminal offenses against the environment, the investigator must involve in the inspection criminologists and specialists in the field of ecology, who during the inspection will be able to provide assistance in taking photos and videos, removing traces of illegal actions, physical evidence, carrying out measurements and taking samples, as well as providing advice on issues related to their specialization. Environmentalists, veterinarians, geologists, biologists, engineers, hydrometeorologists, surveyors, ichthyologists, hunters, employees of the state environmental inspection, employees of economic entities, fish protection inspectors, employees of the sanitary and ecological inspection, etc. may be involved in the inspection of the scene. The working stage of the inspection of the scene of criminal offenses against the environment requires a thorough study of the situation at the scene of the incident, a detailed examination of the existing objects, their signs and their mutual location, the identification and recording of traces of the criminal offense and the resulting consequences. At the final stage, the results of the inspection of the scene of the incident are entered into the inspection protocol, which is read by witnesses and participants of this investigative (search) action.


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