



corporate social responsibility, social responsibility of business, martial law, business entities


The article considers some aspects of social responsibility of business, provides arguments for the need to strengthen it during the period of martial law. It is substantiated that the business reputation of business entities is inextricably linked with the social responsibility of the business structure. In scientific literature, there are four main approaches to the concept of corporate social responsibility: economic, political, social, ethical. It is worth noting that in each country the social responsibility of business has certain specific features, but the common feature is the achievement of one goal – ensuring stable social development. With the start of hostilities, Ukrainian companies were forced to review their strategy of corporate social responsibility and adapt it to new, military conditions. During the period of martial law, business entities faced a difficult task – to care not only about profits and tax payments, but also about socially vulnerable sections of the population, about the ecological state of the country, etc. Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, Ukrainian and international companies have begun to publicize a clear position on the war – support for the Ukrainian people and assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to achieve an earlier peace on Ukrainian lands. From the first days, Ukrainian business showed its best side – it rallied and concentrated on helping the state and people. In the period of martial law, the corporate social responsibility of business is urgently needed, as it becomes more and more important for the environment, society and the state. It is positive that Ukrainian business, balancing between economic rationality and social responsibility, has become another factor in Ukraine's unexpected defense capability. However, both business and the state must be ready to return to the rails of a peaceful life. The post-war development of the country will require the state to create conditions for the effective functioning of corporate social responsibility, and business to actively participate in environmental and educational projects, care for people with disabilities, and the restoration of the country's destroyed infrastructure.


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